Dependency analysis error
After adding framework to my project, I have this error:
File /Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/APPNAME-gsmxpefbjmwceihawcsaqehaifom/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/libGPUImage.a depends on itself. This target might include its own product.
Please help me solve this problem.
I had the same problem, I'm using the sample applications. please help......
Examples work fine. Cleaning is also failed with the same error. I've MacBook Pro, Mac OS X 10.7.3 and Xcode 4.3.2...
If you followed the instructions on the project page to add GPUImage, make sure that you didn't add GPUImage as a dependency to the GPUImage.xcodeproj project, instead of your application project. Look under the Target Dependencies for both GPUImage and your application within the Build Phases tab to verify this.
It was checked, everything in its place.
Just try to use examples - not working for now with the same error!
Two days ago it worked fine.
What's happening?
It has to be something localized to your system, because I just downloaded the latest version of the framework, did a clean build of the FilterShowcase example, and it installed and ran without a hitch. There were no cyclic dependencies anywhere in the framework or the sample applications. You might want to try deleting your local installation, clearing out your DerivedData, and redownloading the framework.
problem solve after I download the GPUImage again! thx Brad Larson!
GPUImage is the coolest framework!!!
one more question, can we use that framework for publish on app store? thanks!
Yes, the framework is BSD-licensed, so you can freely use it however you want. There are several applications using it already on the App Store, and more to come.
thanks Brad!
Honestly, I've never seen that error before. Try cleaning your project and rebuilding. Also, try building one of the sample applications that come with the project to verify that the framework builds cleanly on your machine.