Sunset Lake Software - Comments for "Can&amp;#039;t apply GPUImageSwirlFilter filter after using UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext" Comments for "Can't apply GPUImageSwirlFilter filter after using UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext" en the filter part, my origin <p>the filter part, my origin image size is 640x480, then I use the script to crop it to 100x100.</p> <p>after I crop the image and apply the GPUImageSwirlFilter, the return image doesn't correct and also the size is getter bigger than 100x100.</p> <p> the GPUImageSwirlFilter work fine on any origin image.</p> <p>here is the filter script </p> <p><div class="geshifilter"><pre class="geshifilter-cocoa">GPUImageSwirlFilter *filter = [[GPUImageSwirlFilter alloc] init]; UIImage *output = [filter imageByFilteringImage:UIImage];</pre></div></p> pubDate Thu, 24 May 2012 03:04:29 +0000 dc:creator lamfan guid false comment 1403 at What part of this is wrong? <p>What part of this is wrong? The UIImage cropping or the filter? If the filter, what's the input size, output size, and code you use to run the filter?</p> pubDate Wed, 23 May 2012 14:33:56 +0000 dc:creator Brad Larson guid false comment 1400 at